What I am doing, what I have done
Research interests
My current research is developed along three dimensions.
In the theoretical dimension, I investigate how technology offers both a constraint and a tool for regulation, with special attention to how technical concepts are construed (or side-stepped) in regulatory design.
In the methodological dimension, I propose a need to focus on the practices of regulators and regulated actors in technology regulation, with special attention to the decisions they make when applying technology-neutral regulation.
In the doctrinal dimension, I deploy the theoretical and methodological insights mentioned above to examine the legal framework governing artificial intelligence and cybersecurity in the EU.
Journal articles
The EU AI Act: Between the rock of product safety and the hard place of fundamental rights (with Nicolas Petit), 62(1) Common Market Law Review (2025)
Exploring explainable AI in the tax domain (with Lukasz Gorski and others), Artificial Intelligence and Law (2024)
‘The Brussels Side-Effect: How the AI Act Can Reduce the Global Reach of EU Policy’ (with Anca Radu), German Law Journal (2024)
Automated Uncertainty: A Research Agenda for Artificial Intelligence in Administrative Decisions, 16(3) Review of European Administrative Law (2023)
Contribuições e Limites da Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados para a Regulação da Inteligência Artificial no Brasil [Artificial intelligence regulation in Brazil: the contribution and limits of the General Data Protection Law] (with Juliano Maranhão), Revista Direito Público (2023)
Regulation by Design and the Governance of Technological Futures’, 14(4) European Journal of Risk Regulation (2023)
Reclaiming Transparency: Contesting the Logics of Secrecy within the AI Act (with Madalina Busuioc and Deirdre Curtin), European Law Open (2023)
Towards eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Tax Law: The Need for a Minimum Legal Standard’ (with Blazej Kuzniacki and others), World Tax Journal (2022)
Inteligência artificial aplicada ao direito e o direito da inteligência artificial [Legal artificial intelligence and the law of artificial intelligence] (with Juliano Maranhão and Juliana Abrusio Florêncio), Suprema (2021)
Voice-based diagnosis of covid-19: ethical and legal challenges (with Juliano Maranhão), International Data Privacy Law (2021)
Responsabilidade civil extracontratual e a inteligência artificial [Tort Liability and Artificial Intelligence], Revista Acadêmica Arcadas (2020)
Book chapters
Competition in and through Artificial Intelligence (with Juliano Maranhão and Giovanni Sartor) in Research Handbook on Competition and Technology (Pier Luigi Parcu and others (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing forthcoming 2024)
Chapters in General Data Protection Regulation: Article-by-article commentary (Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann and others (eds), Nomos/Hart/Beck 2023):
Article 6 Para. 1. Content Personalisation (with Juliano Maranhão and Giovanni Sartor)
Article 4 Para. 5. Pseudonymisation (with Juliano Maranhão and Giovanni Sartor)
Article 25. Data protection by design and by default (with Juliano Maranhão and Giovanni Sartor)
Os Limites Da Concorrência Frente à Inteligência Artificial [The Limits of Competition in the Face of Artificial Intelligence] (with Juliano Maranhão and Miguel Garzeri Freire) in A aplicação do direito antitruste em ecossistemas digitais: desafios e propostas (Paula Farani de Azevedo and Nicolo Zingales (eds), FGV Direito Rio 2022)
Opportunities and Limits of European Social Network Regulation in Demokratie und Öffentlichkeit im 21 Jahrhundert - zur Macht des Digitalen (Indra Spiecker gen. Döhmann, Michael Westland, and Ricardo Campos (eds), Nomos 2022)
Requirements for Tax XAI under Constitutional Principles and Human Rights (with Blazej Kuzniacki, Kamil Tylinski, and Lukasz Gorski) in Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (Davide Calvaresi and others (eds), Springer 2022)
Data Protection and Judicial Automation (with Maria Dymitruk) in Research Handbook on EU Data Protection (Eleni Kosta and Ronald Leenes (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing 2022)
‘Data Protection by Design e Data Protection by Default. Visão Teórica e Prática à Luz Da LGPD e Do GDPR.’ [Data Protection by Design and Data Protection by Default. Theoretical and Practical Views in Light of the LGPD and the GDPR.] (with Caio César Carvalho Lima and Juliano Maranhão) in Legal Innovation: O Futuro do Direito e o Direito do Futuro (Rony Vainzof and others (eds), Thomson Reuters Brasil 2022)
Juliano Maranhão and others, Concepções de Explicação e Do Direito à Explicação de Decisões Automatizadas [Conceptions of Explanation and the Right to an Explanation of Automated Decisions] (with Juliano Maranhão and Fabio Gagliardi Cozman) in Inteligência Artificial: Sociedade, Economia e Estado (Rony Vainzof and Andriei Gutierrez (eds), Thomson Reuters Brasil 2021)
Inteligência Artificial no Setor de Saúde: Ética e Proteção de Dados [Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Ethics and Data Protection] (with Juliano Maranhão) in LGPD na Saúde (Analluza Bolivar Dallari and Gustavo Ferraz de Campos Monaco (eds), Thomson Reuters, Revista dos Tribunais 2021)
Artificial Intelligence and the Law: Two Perspectives (with Juliano Maranhão and Juliana Abrusio Florêncio)
Portuguese version in Inteligência Artificial: Avanços e Tendências (Fabio Gagliardi Cozman and others (eds), IEA-USP 2021)
Spanish version: La Inteligencia Artificial y El Derecho: Dos Perspectivas, in Derecho y nuevas tecnologías (Gonzalo Ana Dobratinich (ed), La Ley 2021)
Full-length conference papers
Human Intervention in Automated Decision-Making: Toward the Construction of Contestable Systems, in Proceedings of ICAIL 2019 (Montreal, Canada).
Inteligência Artificial: Perspectivas a partir da Filosofia do Direito [Artificial Intelligence: Perspectives from Legal Philosophy], in Proceedings of SEPECH 2018 (Londrina, Brazil).
Ethical design of social simulations (with Romis Attux), in Proceedings of WASHES 2018 (Natal, Brazil).
AI, Law, and Otter Things (2021-present)
Participation in Privatised Digital Systems (with Estela Lopes), SLSA Blog (26 November 2024)
The problem of automated uncertainty in automated decisions, The Digital Constitutionalist (4 October 2023)
What Do We Talk about When We Talk about AI Regulation?, RAILS - Blog (9 April 2023)
A robot and a moderator walk into a bar: Humour as a problem for automated content moderation (with Renata Vaz Shimbo), The Digital Constitutionalist (17 February 2022)
The Final Frontier: Science fiction at the service of the law, The Digital Constitutionalist (23 January 2022)
Efeito Bruxelas: Concepção, Processos e Influência do Direito da União Europeia (editor, with Bernardo Fico) ebook, Maranhão and Menezes Law Firm (2024)
Inteligência artificial, direito e pesquisa jurídica [Artificial intelligence, law, and legal research] (with Rafael Zanatta). 141 Revista USP, 2024
The EU AI Act: A Medley of Product Safety and Fundamental Rights? (lead author, with Nicolas Petit). Robert Schuman Centre Working Paper 2023/59
Regulating Machine Learning by Design, TechREG Chronicle (2023)
Some Remarks on the Ethical Relevance of Leaky Abstractions, extended abstract in Proceedings of ETHICOMP 2021
Un-Owned Data: Interoperable EU Borders and Transitioning Rights Post Covid-19. Model Rules (with Deirdre Curtin and others). Report, November 2021
A techno-legal approach to the life cycle of artificial intelligence systems. Thesis for the LLM in Comparative, European and International Laws, European University Institute, May 2021
Direito à revisão de decisões automatizadas [The Right to a Review of Automated Decisions]. LLB (Honours) Thesis, University of São Paulo, 2020
Acesso a Dados de Processos Judiciais no Brasil [Access to Judicial Case Data in Brazil] (with Bruna Trevelin and others). Report for the National Council of Justice, 2020
Estratégia Nacional de Inteligência Artificial. Contribuições Lawgorithm/NJ-OIC-IEA [National AI Strategy. Contributions from Lawgorithm/NJ-OIC-IEA] (with Juliano Maranhão and others). Report, March 2020
Simulação de fenômenos sociais: aspectos epistemológicos e metodológicos [Simulation of Social Phenomena: Epistemological and Methodological Aspects]. MSc thesis in Electrical Engineering, University of Campinas, 2018
Working Papers
Technical AI Transparency: A Legal View of the Black Box (last revised 15 January 2025)
The EU AI Act in a Global Perspective (last revised 6 January 2025). Forthcoming at the Handbook on the Global Governance of AI (Furendal & Lundgren, eds, Edward Elgar 2025).
Two Dogmas of Technology-Neutral Regulation (last revised 14 October 2024). Under review.